Hello Darlings,
We all have those makeup essentials we couldn't live without. I don't know if you noticed but I offered you ALL my bb creams and foundations, a month ago. I was having an allergic reaction to the ones I had, althought they were from brands I trusted, MUA, Beauty Uk, Garnier, Fashionista [...], something was off, and I really needed to find one that didn't hurt my skin.
And so I did. I started working with Avon and I realized they had a line with hypoallergenic products. I order them and I was so excited to try it on my skin. They worked so well and I didn't had any allergic reaction.
So, my first essential is without a doubt the Solutions Mate BBcream from Avon, it has a nice scent, I don't feel it on my skin and doesn't provide an unhealthy skin for zits to come in.
My amazing BabyLips from Maybelline never leaves my side, and when it does I tend to become a little crazy (I'm kinda addicted to it), it makes my lips so soft and hydrated.
My two MUA concealers that don't leave much room to dark circles to set in.
My three wonderful brushes, the Flat Kabuki from Sigma, the Powder Brush from Avon (it's so soft, I'm going to die!) and, one that it's pretty good and cheap, the Brush from BuyinCoins.
And last but not least my Powder Foundation from Avon that I bought recently but that I already love.
This little ones are wonderful helpers when I don't fell as good as I should, they do wonders.
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Hello darlings,
Purple is my favorite color since I can remember. And all the shades around it are so beautiful. Lilac, violet and plum [...] are just too gorgeous.
One of the biggest trends on 2014 was purple makeup. I have never used it, since I am a big newbie in the makeup area, and I thought "Why not?". I love the color, I just hoped the color loved me back.
So I started searching and I admit that I became a little obsessed in having some purplish lipstick for myself and I didn't stop until I've succeeded.
I came to find this 5 amazing lipsticks, which one do you like the most?
Kiko nº37
3,90€ (Similar) |
Hello, darlings!When I go to college I don't use many makeup or any, for that matter, but when I'm feeling a bit down and need an extra something I use this amazing products.Ice Pink Lipstick nº5Ct from Hean 2,80€
As you know I LOVE this lipstick, it was one of my favorites from December. It's perfect for a natural look.ColorTrend Brown Eyeliner from Avon 2,95€Ow! You don't even know how much I love this eyeliner. It was a gift from my grandmother.
I didn't know how much I wanted a brown eyeliner till I experimented it. Love Love Love it!Portuguese readers, you can now buy Avon products from me, that's right. Just click here, you can see this eyeliner at page 105.
Cover&Conceal from Mua 1,50£The liquid concealer I've been using this couple of months it's pretty good, it's from Mua, a brand I really love. It's perfect for the little dark circles.
Face powder from Beauty Uk 3,99£An extra coverage for a more natural look.Hand Cream 35º Anniversary Edition from Catherine 8,50€Because who doesn't want to have smooth skin all day long? This cream has the most amazing mango scent. It's perfect to have on our purses.

Hello darlings!In December I bought this beauties, the entire Scandalous Collection from Makeup Revolution! They had a huge discount and I just went for it.I don't regret it, the colors are really beautiful and the lipsticks are amazing!The only color that I have a hard time applying is the yellow one, but with a bit of patience I get there eventually.
Love them! You can buy them here*

Hello, Darlings!Here's the 5 products I used more last week.Kiko 275 Black 3,90€Last week I was in the mood for a black nail polish. It's a bit strong for me, and I look kinda pale with it but I really wanted it so I went for it! This nail polish from Kiko is really good!Mua Lipstick Shade 1 1£Another lipstick from Mua that I absolutely adore. This one is darker than the last week's one, it smells amazing, doesn't dry my lips and the color is perfect!Avon Super Extend Mascara 7.95€I'm now a Avon reseller so it's been really easy for me to get this amazing products delivered to my home. This mascara is really good.If your portuguese and want me to be your personal Avon reseller just click here*Beauty Uk Liquid Eyeliner 2,49£I have this eyeliner for a while now. I don't have a lot of practice with liquid eyeliner but last week I definitely gave it a try. This liquid eyeliner is really good, and it's one of my favorite so far.Beauty Uk Blush&Brush n.2 Isla Rose 2,99£I don't usually use blush, but I have to admit that adds color and life to a makeup. This one from Beauty Uk is pretty amazing.
Hello Darlings!Here's the 5 products I used more last week!
Dove Silky 4,84€
Need to hydrate your dry skin? This body cream is a good choice! It has the most pleasant scent and it leaves the skin really smooth. A must-have!
Mua Lipstick shade 13 1£
I've had this lipstick for a year and it's still my favorite red lipstick. It has the brightest red and it doesn't dry my lips. Love it!
Essence Fateful Desire 60 1,99€ Similar
This isn't the best nail polish. If I had to work in my paintings this wouldn't be the one I'd chosen, but for the holidays this nail polish totally works. And it has such a pretty red color!
Ap-Au Cosmetics Eyeliner Pencil 13.58$
This eyeliner pencil is so pigmented! When I first used it I was so amazed by the quality! It is worth the price, believe me!
Mua Hide & Conceal 1£
A little helper that I love to use! Bye bye dark circles!

Hello darlings!These ones are my favorite products of December, they've been accompanying me along this month, and they are amazing! Do you use any of this products?Garnier PureActive ExfoPro 7,99€I haven't been using bb creams or foundation lately, so my skin has to be flawless! This is my little friend that helps me do just that. It's perfect to clean your skin and keeps your skin fresh and smooth.Ice Pink Lipstick nº5Ct from Hean 2,80€You can't imagine how much I love this lipstick! It is a little bit darker than my natural lip color and I really love to see it on my lips. When this runs out I'm going to buy another one, for sure!Baby Lips from Maybelline 2,99€This one is my favorite! The name couldn't be more suited to this range of products from Maybelline. This is the second one I bought, I also have the "Cherry Me" one, and they make my lips feel so amazing that I can't even describe how much I love this products, they surely give me baby-soft lips!Face cream from MyLabelThis cream is kinda amazing! If you apply a large quantity on a blemish, every day, those marks start to disappear, like magic!Nail polish from Andreia 2,50€This nail polish has such a pretty color, a light pink that I called "pinkywinky" when I wanted to describe it to a friend ahah. Love to see it on my nails!

I've been wanting this product from Flashmob for about a month, when I first found it on the internet. They were with a discount on Maquillalia and I just had to take this opportunity to buy them.I was so excited to received them, they promised "shockingly bold shade lipsticks" but unfortunately that was definitely not the case.I'm not saying that I don't like them, but I was so disappointed. The colors are not "bold" and definitely not "shockingly bold", they are just cute colors.The more pigmented ones are the pink (that I love!) and the blue one, although the blue has a hard time staying on my lips.The yellow and lilac ones only have a little bit of color but I just can't hate them, the poor things.The metallic packaging is so beautiful! I just love this product's design.I paid 4,49€ for them but they are already at 7,49€. Although I don't dislike them I won't buy them again, there are others brands that have the kind of lipstick colors that this brands claims to have. (and the ones that I really wanted)Hope this helps,See you soon

A couple of days ago I received a beautiful bag from Helena and this mask was in it. Today I decided to experiment it.
This package comes with two doses to use, I used one, and gave the other one to my mother to experiment.
Taking the mask of the package gets a little messy, I opened it and had to use both hands to take the mask off of it, but and the cream? Where does it go? Some of it to my fingers, some of it to the bathroom table.
Yeah, I said cream... never I ever used a mask that looked so much as a cream, I felt like I was applying a huge amount of cream to my face. I left it on my face for about 15 minutes and took it off with some wipes (as the instructions said). I still felt like my face was really oily so I cleaned it with water but I still felt like my face was strange... I waited a little while and voilà my face was soooooooo soft! And did I said that this mask smells so good? No? Well it does!
For something that was starting to look like a big disappointment ended like a great product. I'm not saying that it's my favorite product of all but it surely does the work, at a small price.

![]() |
Not using any makeup |
Brand: Rilanja Face
Shop: Clarel
Price: 1€
More reviews soon!

I already shared this soap with you two years ago, and it's still my favorite after all this years.
A month ago I decided that I was going to let my skin rest and be makeup-free. I never used a lot of makeup, just the everyday bb cream and eyeliner, but stopping using it was pretty hard for me, not that I needed it, I only have the occasional zit once in a while (if I don't eat chocolate, sometimes I get really, really, hungry. Ups), but it was an important part of my self esteem.My biggest ally for this adventure was my dearest soap from a Portuguese brand, Canavezes.
If you want a clear and soft skin, a soap that helps you when a zit it's starting to appear, or helps you clear out some old zit marks, this is the ONE for you!
I wash my face with this soap when I wake up and when I go to bed, and I apply it like a face mask when I feel like my face needs this treatment.It's a perfect present for you and for your best friend. It's sold in pharmacies and it only costs 8€.

Today I received in my mailbox a cute bag filled with beautiful things from my lovely Helena T.
I entered a blogger's event, created by the wonderful Rita Vilas Boas, where 14 bloggers would received a mystery box filled with a minimum of 3 beauty products. It's like a Secret Santa, but blogger's style!
I sent some products to the blogger Ana and she loved it all! She even told us in the video that maybe I entered her house at night to see her likes and dislikes because I send her products that she really wanted and needed! Good for me *pat on the back* *tap*tap*
My secret "Santa" was my lovely friend Helena, I can't believe she kept this a secret! She sent me so many products, I loved everything, thank you so much! I'm really anxious to try it ALL!
What do you want me to try first?

Brand: MUA
Name: MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer - Kooky
Price: 3£
Colour: Can be build up to an intense colour with extra layers
Finishing: Matte Finish
Packaging: Is strong and it looks more expensive than it is
I love this lip lacquer. I wanted to buy another purple lipstick and when I saw this lip lacquer on Mua I had to try it. It's even better than I thought. I can have a darker lip colour if I apply more layers and a softer look if I apply only one layer. For this photos I only used one layer and you can see that it is highly pigmented. It also has a matte finish that I love, good job Mua!

ENGLISHHello dears!Today I bring to you a different kind of blog post! The sweet Catarina from Treze Mundos' blog had the amazing idea to swap lipsticks with her fellow bloggers! She invited me to her new project and I had to say yes! I sent her one of my favorite lipstick from MUA (a new one, obviously) and, happily, she loved it as much as I do. You can see the lipstick I sent her in her new blog post.The lipstick I received is from Revlon, it's nº430 "Soft silver Rose", and it came in a sweet little bag for my lipstick, made by a sweet Portuguese store called CarmoThings. This lipstick gives us a sweet little color of pink in our lips and it's really creamy and easy to apply.Thanks again, Catarina, for this opportunity, I loved it!Love,Maria*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------PORTUGUÊSHello darlings!Hoje trago-vos um post um pouco diferente do habitual! A querida Catarina do blog Treze Mundos teve a brilhante ideia de fazer uma troca de batons com outras bloggers! Enviou-me um e-mail a convidar-me para participar no seu novo projecto e eu tive de aceitar! Enviei-lhe um dos meus batons preferidos da marca MUA (um novo, claro) e, felizmente, ela adorou-o. Podem ver o baton que lhe enviei no seu novo post.O baton que recebi é da marca Revlon, é o nº430 e chama-se "Soft silver Rose". Veio num pequeno e adorável porta batons criado numa loja Portuguesa chamada CarmoThings. Este baton dá-nos um pequeno toque de rosa nos nossos lábios e é realmente cremoso e fácil de aplicar.Vocês também podem participar neste novo projecto da Catarina, para isso só precisam de lhe enviar um e-mail e já agora passar pelo post que inclui todas as informações que precisam.Quero agradecer mais uma vez à Catarina pela oportunidade e não se esqueçam de participar, quero ver todas as trocas de batons.Beijinhos,Maria*

Hello darlings!
Today I want to show you my grey circle lenses from AngelContacts. As I said before this circle lenses are amazing and they make your eyes pop! They are really easy to put on and you barely feel them on your eyes.
Hope you can read my eyes and feel the history I'm telling through them.
Do you like the photos and the video? ♥
When I received my green circle lenses from AngelContacts I immediately thought of Coldplay's music "Green eyes", it's one of my favorite musics of them and finally I could "be" the girl they sing about. *I wish* (Well, I can feel like her with this lenses)
The lenses are so thin, I can't barely feel them on my eye. I can have them on for hours and hours, they are really amazing.
Contact lenses are such an awesome accessory to have, we can change the colors of our eyes everytime we want.
This lenses only cost 30$ (price+shipping) and they can last up to 1 year, amazing!
The circle lenses come in a beautiful blue box, so adorable! I'm a fan of AngelContacts!
Do you like the photos that I took? Do you like mynewgreen eyes?
Quando recebi as minhas lentes de contacto verdes da loja AngelContacts eu pensei logo na música "Green eyes" dos Coldplay, é uma das minhas músicas preferidas deles e finalmente "pude ser" a rapariga sobre a qual eles cantam. ahah *I wish*
As lentes são tão fininhas e eu nem as sinto nos meus olhos. Posso tê-las nos olhos durante horas e horas, são mesmo maravilhosas.
As lentes coloridas são um acessório tão fantástico, podemos mudar a cor dos nossos olhos sempre que quisermos.
As lentes custam apenas 30$ (preço+portes) e duram até 1 ano, fantástico certo?
As lentes vêm dentro de uma linda caixinha azul, tão adorável! Sou fã da loja AngelContacts!
Gostaram das fotos? Gostam de me ver com os olhos verdinhos?
Did you won the Angel Contact giveaway? *here* |
My makeup all organised *-* |

Music: Green Eyes - Coldplay