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English I finally have LUSH products! Iey!
I received them at the last bloggers event, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I received a lipstick, a liquid eyeshadow and an eyeliner. I only tried out the lipstick and the eyeshadow, and I have to say that I'm really surprised with the produts' quality. They are absolutely amazing!
Do you have Lush products?
Português Tenho finalmente produtos da LUSH! Iey!
Recebi estes três produtos no último evento de Bloggers #Mulherescomonós, MUITO OBRIGADA!
Destes três produtos já experimentei dois e tenho-vos a dizer que foi das melhores experiências de sempre. O primeiro que experimentei foi a sombra de olhos "Sofisticado", fiquei mesmo muito surpreendida com a qualidade do produto e a pigmentação, e o segundo produto foi o batom líquido "Decidido", o qual só precisam de utilizar o produto que vem no aplicador, não é necessário ir buscar mais batom à embalagem, incrível. Por último, também recebi o eyeliner "Independente" e embora não o tenha experimentado estou mesmo ansiosa para o fazer.
Já há muito que queria ter produtos Lush e agora que tenho estou mesmo contente com os produtos da loja. E vocês? Têm algum produto Lush?
English Tomorrow is GIVEAWAY day! The post will be out tomorrow at 6pm. Get excited!
Yesterday I painted my nails with this nail polish and I remembered that a few months ago I posted an instagram photo of my nails with this color and you girls loved it. So I decided that it was time to tell you about it.
This nail polish is from the Brand Inoeh and it is from a special edition called "Afetos" (it means "Affection") and it is called "Ternura" (it means "Tenderness"). You can find it at Inoeh store and it only costs 1,99€
It is truly one of my favorite nail polish. It's super easy to apply, it dries quickly and the color is amazing.
In the first photo I'm wearing two layers of nail polish and in the second photo I'm wearing only one.
Português Amanhã é dia de GIVEAWAY! O post irá sair amanhã às 18h. Fiquem atentas que eu sei que vão adorar.
Ontem pintei as minhas unhas com este verniz e lembrei-me que há já muitos meses eu coloquei uma foto no instagram a usar este verniz, e vocês adoram e perguntaram-me o que é que eu estava a usar. Embora tenha respondido a quem perguntou, achei que devia falar-vos sobre eles, com esta foto super fofa que tirei hoje no meu popó.
Este verniz é da marca Inoeh, é da edição "Afetos" e chama-se Ternura! *owww* Vocês podem facilmente encontrar este verniz à venda na loja Inoeh e custa apenas 1,99€
É sem dúvida um dos meus vernizes favoritos. É super fácil de aplicar (nem pinto a pele da mão direita, é *milagre*), seca mesmo muito rápido e a cor é fantástica.
Na imagem de cima coloquei 2 camadas e na imagem de baixo coloquei apenas 1.
English I wouldn't be a blogger if I couldn't find my way to the the new Beauty Department at H&M. My first purchase was last week. I bought an eye shadow brush, the drama cream eyeliner in the color pitch black and some cleansing wipes.
In total I spent 15,97€ in this purchase, and I even received a 25% discount code for a future purchase in lingerie.
I'm going back there, definitely! What are the products you really think I need to buy?
Português Não seria uma blogger se não conseguisse encontrar o meu caminho para a nova secção de beleza da H&M. A minha primeira compra foi na semana passada (Video). Comprei um pincel para a sombra, o drama cream eyeliner na cor pitch black e umas toalhitas desmaquilhantes.
No total gastei 15,97€ e ainda recebi um vale de desconto de 25% na minha próxima compra de lingerie.
Vou voltar lá para comprar mais algumas coisinhas, sem dúvida! Que produtos é que vocês acham que eu devia mesmo comprar?
English Today I'm going to tell you about a bad experience I had while experiencing a bad product!
This body butter, you can find it here, is not like the awesome ones from The Body Shop. I really hated the smell, is way too sweet for me. And my skin didn't like it at all, it started itching and I needed to jump in the shower right away to get it off my skin.
Never trying it again...
Português Hoje vou-vos falar de um teste a um produto que durou tão pouco tempo que ainda não estou em mim, nunca me tinha acontecido. Há uns dias decidi experimentar esta amostra que recebi do produto "Manteiga Corporal - Baunilha mais Doce / Pipoca mais Doce" da Inoeh.
A primeira coisa que descobri ao abrir o produto é que realmente não gosto nada do cheiro a baunilha, demasiado doce, mas visto o nome dele ser "Baunilha mais Doce" acho que a culpa não é bem deles. Mesmo assim decidi experimentar e ver se gostava ou não deste produto.
Quando penso em manteiga corporal penso naquelas maravilhosas da The Body Shop, que maravilha de produto! Mas esta manteiga parecia mesmo manteiga de barrar, e se calhar um pouco mais dura. Coloquei-a nas minhas pernas e aconteceu uma coisa que não estava nada à espera. Eu tinha feito depilação com a máquina há cerca de 3 horas e a minha pele que estava mais irritada, mas que não estava assim tanto, ficou ainda pior. E eu pensei: "ok, não posso aplicar isto depois de depilar na pele mais sensível". E depois a minha pele começou toda a picar, comecei a tirar o creme com uma toalhita mas não resultou. Tive logo de saltar para a banheira e tomar banho.
E acreditam que fiquei imenso tempo, depois do banho, ainda com comichão? Não sei se foi psicológico, mas foi sem dúvida uma experiência horrível!
Podem encontrá-lo aqui*
English Matte!! Love to see it on my nails! And this Andreia nail polish is perfect for the job!
I just applied one coat of this product and it was all it took!
Do you love matte nail polish?
Português Verniz matte! Adoro tanto vê-lo nas minhas unhas! E este produto da Andreia ajuda-me a chegar a esse resultado!
Basta aplicar apenas uma camada deste Top Coat e é só isso que é preciso!
Gostam de usar este tipo de verniz?
Se me quiserem ver a fazer asneiras a pintar as unhas e mais mil e uma coisas vejam o vídeo novo de hoje! E se quiserem ver mais de mim no youtube subscrevam ao meu canal, ia ajudar imenso! xoxo
English I'm gonna start this blog post by saying "Ups, my bad", you know why?
I bought this facial wipes a few days ago and I really wanted to try them out because they are exfoliating facial wipes, and well... that is pretty amazing! But I forgot to read the fine print and guess what? They have cucumber extract and I hate the smell of cucumber. So yeah... MY BAD!
I LOVE that this are exfoliating wipes BUT I really hate the smell! And I was hopping for a more gentle wipe but instead they are quite harsh to my face.
Not gonna buy them again, for sure. But I really want to tryout the other Primark's wipes. If you want to try them out I bought this one at Primark and it costs 1,50€
Português Vou começar o post por dizer "Ups, o erro foi meu", e sabem porquê?
Se viram o meu vídeo de compras já sabem que eu comprei estas maravilhas na Primark por 1,50€, certo? Estava super feliz com a ideia de toalhitas esfoliantes, nunca tinha tido umas e estava ansiosa para experimentar! Mas esqueci-me de ler as letrinhas pequeninas que diziam "Cucumber Extract", estaria tudo bem se eu não detestasse o cheiro de pepino... Por isso sim, "o erro foi meu".
Adoro toda a ideia destas toalhitas MAS realmente não gosto nada do cheiro! E estava à espera que elas fossem mais fofinhas e húmidas, mas são na verdade muito ásperas e eu sinto a minha cara arranhada quando acabo de as usar...
Não as vou comprar outra vez, de certeza. Mas queria imenso experimentar as outras toalhitas da Primark porque vocês já me disseram que adoram!
Amanhã há novo vídeo! xoxo
English Today I'm sharing with you my Summer Essentials, in terms of Beauty and Accessories.
I've been creating videos in Portuguese, because is my main language. Do you want me to create content in English? I already been asked to do so, help me out, please.
Português Hoje trago-vos um novo vídeo com os meus essenciais de Verão, em relação a produtos de beleza e acessórios!
No fim do vídeo mostro-vos dois dos prémios que o seguidor do mês irá receber em casa, por isso não percam.
English You guys can't even imagine the amount of times I am asked to do a post about my hair and the products I use.
Today I wanted to share some of my secrets.
As you may know, or not know, I'm letting my hair grow so I could be able to donate it.
It is super important to have a healthy hair if I want to be a donor, as a result, I can't dye my hair, because of the chemicals, and to maintain my hair extra healthy I never dry my hair with a hair dryer and never use hair stretchers or curlers.
It seems really easy but it really helps a lot! In my case, products aren't really that important, I only use some generic shampoo and hair conditioner, and I never have split ends or dry hair.
You may think my hair is quite boring, but I really, really, want to donate it! We all have to make some sacrifices, right?
Português HEY! Nem imaginam a quantidade de vezes que me pediram para fazer um post sobre o meu cabelo e os tipos de produtos que uso. Na verdade, já fiz um ou dois posts sobre isto, aqui no blog, mas hoje decidi partilhar tudo com vocês em vídeo!
Quero-vos pedir desculpa pelo meu estado de espírito, eu achava mesmo que estava a falar de uma forma super alegre para a câmara, mas claramente que o que eu estava a sentir veio ao de cima. Mas prometo que o próximo vídeo vai ser mais alegre!
Espero que não levem a mal a minha maluquice no início do vídeo, aliás, não seria eu se não tivesse os meus segundos de parvoíce.
Espero que gostem e até amanhã!
I've been wanting a nude lipstick for a while now. In February, when I was having a bit of a shopaholic crises I decided to buy one for myself.
What better brand to start experimenting than a brand that I already know and love? Makeup Revolution has won a little spot in my heart, the brand's lipsticks are just too perfect and also inexpensive.
A thing, kinda weird (or is it?), that I do is: when I'm in the mood for a lip color that I don't have I use two or three lipstick colors till I achieve that perfect lip color that I want. Do you also do that?
And of course that this nude lipstick has been one of those lipsticks I use to create the color I want to achieve.In the photo bellow, gonna show you the outfit later on the blog, you can see one of those creations. I really wanted an orangy nude lip color and so I used this nude lipstick, my awesome Ice Pink lipstick from Hean and the orange lipstick from the Full Scandalous Collection.
Is it something weird to do? I really loved the result!
It took me a while to post this review but I wanted to make sure of it's efficiency before writing to you.
In just a few words: It smells delicious and it does what it promises.
This beauty is perfect for you if you feel that your hair is getting greasy in the middle of the day and you have no way of getting in the shower immediately.
It gets rid of all the grease and leaves your hair with a wonderful cherry smell.
Another thing that I noticed is that it gives a little volume to my hair, which is great because my hair is usually really flat.
You can also find it in a portable size that you can easily carry around everyday without over weighting your bag. It has my stamp of approval!
I really needed a body scrub! When I made an order at Primor I decided that it was time to bought a new body scrub.
I saw this one in the website at 3,75€ and decided to give it a try. I was beyond myself when it arrived!
The product was so much bigger that I have ever imagined, it smells heavenly and after I tried it I realized that it was actually a great product.
Mine is the Cherry Sugar, but they also sell the Peach&Mango and Melon Sugar. Gonna try those after I finish this one, but I bet it's gonna take a while, it has so much product. IEY!
Bad news, this wonderful ultramarine blue isn't as perfect as it seems.
I guess nail polish from this brand are really good or really bad.
I LOVE this nail polish color but I have to put an excess of coats, and even with a million coats it never gets opaque like I want it.
And it seems like it takes a lot of time to dry and it cracks easily. Alert, alert! Don't buy it girls, it isn't worth it. Midnight Connection 1,45€
Have you also bought something you thought you would really love but end up hating it?
A simple post with a simple review, because there isn't much to say.What the product promises:Anti Shine Actibel wipes absorb oil from your face to reduce unexpected flare without damaging your makeup, and it's also a great tool to control acne. With Anti Shine Actibel wipes you will feel fresher and look better. It's not made of paper therefore is much more resistant, and it helps to maintain your skin hydrated.This little case with 50 wipes really does what it promises. It doesn't ruin your makeup, it helps you get rid of the oil on your face, and the package is really practical to have in your bag.You can buy it at 3,75€ at Maquillalia.
I love to wear strong nail polish's colors, like black and purple, but sometimes I just feel the need to wear light colors.This three nail polish I've chosen for this blog post may look as they have the same color, but I'm here to tell you they don't. The three are different but equally as cute.For this nail swatches I only painted the nails once, only one coat, can you believe it?With one coat, the one from Essence (1,99€) gives my nails a bit of shine, if I apply I few more coats it will end up giving the same effect as one coat from the nail polish from the French Manicure Pack gives, and I bought the pack on Beauty Uk (2,99£). The one from Andreia (2,50€) is not translucent as the other ones and it gives a light pink color that I really love.Do you also have nail polish like this ones? Which one is your favorite?
I have a bad experience with nail polish. Almost every nail polish I have takes a lot of time to dry. I'm super impatient so the nail polish gets ruined easily.
Some weeks ago I bought some nail polish from Makeup Revolution, I really love their lipsticks so I wanted to give their nail polish a try.
The first one I tried was a disaster, I will talk about that one later, and I thought that every nail polish from that brand were awful, but then I tried this one and I was so relieved to find that it was perfect!
It only takes one coat, a few minutes to dry (I was watching GoT while painting so I don't know for sure how long it took to dry, but at the end of 5 minutes they were perfect) and it took one whole week for the paint to crack!! I never had a nail polish like this one, and I'm so happy I bought it! To top it all, the color is perfect! Adore - 1,45€
Some photos of me with this nail polish.
The first one was on the first day and the last one after one week. Pretty good, right?
The photos can all be found on my instagram
Here you have it! My pink lipstick collection. They are all different and I love them for different reasons. Let's go take a look?
REVLON Soft Silver Rose nº430
PRICE: 8,99$ |
I love the one from MUA, the color is so perfect but unfortunately it will not work on you if you have dry lips, it tends to dry too much my lips but I just can't say NO to this lipstick. If you have a lipstick with the same color from another brand please let me know, I love this light pink one.
The one from Hean has become one of my favorites, and I've been talking on and on about it on the blog. I recently bought one for my mother, she doesn't like lipsticks in general but this one she LOVED. That means something, right?
The only pink one I have with sheer finish is the one from Revlon. I personally don't like lipstick with too much shine, but this one is too pretty to be left aside. You can see more photos of me wearing it here.
PRICE: 1,45€ |
The color from the one from Flashmob is breathtaking and it's really easy to apply. I did a review of the entire Electric Kisses collection, just click here.
I don't have much to say about the one from Essence, it has a great price, high pigmentation and it's also really easy to apply, just perfect!
The one from Makeup Revolution is called Crime, I love all the names from the Scandalous Collection, I also did a review of the entire collection, just click here to see it.
Which one is your favorite?
My favorites from January:
My new shirt is beyond perfect, it was a Christmas' Present (The outfit look)The bag and cup from SnapMade had to be in this little list, love them! (The outfit look | The decor post)My new boots from The Purple are amazing, money well spent. (The outfit look)The pink coat from Primark is so cute, I used it with my new green sneakers when I spent the day with the girls (The outfit look | The afternoon)The coat from Sheinside is an all time favorite, but I'm always forgetting about it, this month got out of the closet (The outfit look)The burgundy skirt from Zara is my favorite skirt, it was a gift from my mother. (Outfit Looks 1 & 2 & 3)And of course my car, my little "fatty".
What was you favorite thing this month?
Well, all my favorites from January are from Avon. Know why?
I started working with Avon last month, I only had some Avon products at home and I had to take this opportunity to buy more products from the brand.
And the truth is a loved them all. They have some hypoallergenic products for people like me and I have to say my skin improved a lot, and the scars from the last allergic reaction are almost gone.
I never had problems with zits and I got a little scared, and worried that it would become a daily struggle. Happily it was just a fright that passed with the help of this little beauties.
Face Cream Échinacea & White Tea (Campaign 14 page 173 3.95€)
I bought this cream from Avon and it promised to reduce small wrinkles, I laughed. A cream that only costs 3,95€, with natural products and it promised something like that? It was really funny... until I tried it. It does the work, bravo! The little wrinkles I have from smiling have faded, my skin is really smooth and it also helps get rid of acne scars.
Matte BB Cream (Campaign 14 page 86 8,95€)
This bb cream is from that hypoallergenic production line I had talked to you about. I love it! I've chosen the matte one and it doesn't disappoint!
Powder Brush (Campaign 13 page 81 with free Bronzer 8,95€)
& Foundation Powder (Campaign 14 page 52 9,95€)
This brush is so soft! I use it with my foundation powder from Avon. Both products are perfect!
Eyeliner Cosmic Brown (Campaign 14 page 17 3,95€)
A brown eyeliner! I really love this eyeliners from Avon, I also have it in black. And as you know I'm loving brown eyeliners lately, they give a natural look that I adore!
Se quiseres que eu seja a tua revendedora Avon e te ponha sempre a par de promoções nos teus produtos preferidos podes ver o catálogo e fazer as compras por lá:
Sempre que tiveres alguma dúvida ou preferires que seja eu a pedir por ti podes-me enviar um e-mail:
Boas compras e até já*
A girl should have at least one red lipstick in their lipsticks' collection. It's a classic look that's always on trend and never disappoint.
I have four red lipsticks and I have to say the ones from MUA are my favorites. They are creamy lipsticks and really easy to apply, they don't dry your lipsticks, like the one from Basic (that funny enough offers the same thing as a lip balm) that's a bit hard to apply. The Elixir one is also really good, really easy to apply and has a high pigmentation, I also love this one!
Which one is your favorite?
[b] basic - 53 Shiny red
Find it at Clarel's shops |
Elixir Super Stay 72
5,90€ |