Femme Luxe - Dress #1

Dress: Femme Luxe
Let's talk about cute and comfy dresses, shall we?! I received 4 dresses from Femme Luxe and I've got to say I loved them all!
When the package arrived at my house I was so surprised with the overall quality of the products! And the shipping was lovely, so, so quick! Femme Luxe made me a happy girl! 
It was really hard to choose the first one to show you guys, they are all so bloody cute!!!, but I had to... so today I want to show you my newest jumper black dress.

This dress is called Esmelia (*cute*), and is a black high neck bodycon jumper dress.
I normally don't wear dresses... my body, isn't exactly where I want it to be right now, I think a few more gym session will do the trick (*wishful thinking*), but I've got to say this dress made my body justice.
It fit me really well, and I was really pleased with that. It made me feel like a really classy lady, which is the total opposite of my "all day jeans and tshirt" outfits.
If you want some cool and affordable dresses I really think Femme Luxe is the place to go.


  1. Adoro o vestido !!


  2. Gostei! Fiquei encantada com a loja, não conhecia. A nível de tamanhos, achaste fiável? Ou é como aquelas lojas orientais que temos de comprar 2 tamanhos acima? :) E os portes??

    Beijinho ****

  3. Que vestido lindo e fica-te tão bem.
