My Zaful Wishlist

Find Shirt Dresses at Zaful
Zaful is one of my favorites stores!

As you may know, I own some Zaful Clothing, and last month I bought the cutest bikini set and you loved it so much. (It's still currently in sale if you want to check it out -  *click here*)

But today I want to show you another order, that I just made yesterday.

In this order I added a button up shirt with floral patches, because, first, is cute, and second, because I've been told that I dress like a 14 year old boy, so I hope this shirt changes things for me ahah

I also decided to add two pairs of sunglasses, do I need more? No! But aren't this the cutest? They are both really similar in color, but one has a transparent cat eye frame that I think is absolutely gorgeous, and the other pair has a metal frame and they only cost $1,41. What? That's so cheap!

So, just to say that I'm incredibly happy and anxiously waiting for this order. And, if you want to do a little shopping yourself Zaful was kind enough to let me share a secret discount code of 10%! Yeah!
Want to be the more fancy in this summer? Just do it!

Discover our newest summer arrivals!

Surprise code: ZFEN
Read in English Português


  1. Tão gira a camisa! Beijinhos xx

  2. adoro a camisa!!

  3. A camisa é super gira! :)

    Mil beijinhos,

  4. Essa camisa girl...adoro! <3

  5. A camisa é fantástica!
    Love, M

  6. Tenho uns óculos como os que mostras em baixo e são tão lindos :D
