Lip Care | Fuller Lips Naturally

When I did the Lip care blog post I got to thinking. How did I my lips get fuller? And what did I do to turn them like that?

I remembered that it all started with Shay Mitchell's lips, they are so big and beautiful. And did you remember all the Shay's mirror face commotion?

Since then, last year I guess, I started paying a lot of attention to my lips and started taking care of them.

There's only 3 simple steps to fuller lips!

Exercise, Exfoliate & Hydrate

Try to make "Shay's mirror face" some minutes a day, that's all it takes really ahahah And it works.
I've read that kissing also helps, so go get your love and demand some amazing smooches ahah

Exfoliating lips improves blood circulation and that means naturally fuller lips.
If you don't want to buy a lip scrub like mine, you can do one at home. Sugar and water is all you need! Massage gently on your lips, clean your lips with warm water and apply your favorite lip balm.
You can also use a dry toothbrush, but you can also apply to the toothbrush a bit of honey or Vaseline and massage carefully.

Overnight our lips tend to grow a bit, so be sure to put on your best lip balm before getting into bed.
And have it near you all day long and apply it every time you need.


  1. I don't pay enough attention to my lips and I should really do more. Putting on a good lip balm before going to bed is pretty much all I do. I'm going to try this home made lip scrub, thanks for sharing! :)

  2. Great tips and you have such lovely lips!

    The Flower Duet

  3. Podias por nos dois idiomas , percebo um pouco de inglês, mas ainda há coisas que não entendo bem.
    Novo post no blog

  4. Adorei estas dicas.

  5. Não fazia ideia que era possível que os lábios ficassem mais volumosos naturalmente :p Que giro!

  6. Utilizei chupeta até muito tarde (8 anos, se não me engano) pelo que os meus lábios tornaram-se, naturalmente, volumosos. A questão é que até então as pessoas preferiam lábios fininhos pois "são mais femininos" e, de repente, essa ideia deu uma volta de 180º. Eu, pessoalmente, prefiro lábios mais volumosos :)
    Gostei muito do post ;) Muito útil para as meninas com lábios naturalmente mais fininhos :)
    Beijinhos ♡
    Valentino, My Dear Blog | Valentino, My Dear Facebook

  7. Adoro os teus lábios e ponto. :P
    Alexandra :)

    The Sweetest Life

  8. Muito boas dicas, lábios simples e muito bonitos!

  9. Gostei da dica dos beijos eheheh remédio caseiro!
