Personal Driving License
And why I'm the worst

Taking my driving license was really hard for me, not because I had trouble with the exams, I passed both exams at the first time and with excellence, if I may say so ahahah.

But I had a hard time because I'm a pain in the ass. I am.

I was sure that I wasn't going to like any of it. I thought I didn't needed a car and that it was a waste of my time and money. The time to get the license since you put foot on the school is two years, and I used it all, I'm a bad ass.

I went to the first class and I thought the subject was dumb, which it is. I went to some more classes from that teacher, but he only gave a 30 minutes class, so I decided to wait for the next one.

The teacher that gave the other class was amazing, I really liked him, he was funny, nice and a really good teacher. But as always I started to feel that I was being forced to be there, which I kinda was, and then university exams appeared and I decided to focus on them, months passed and passed... Decided to go again, starting to love the classes again and I had a little problem.

I was walking to the class and I thought "Ow, I can believe I'm going to class without feeling forced to go", and then I thought: "My knee doesn't hurt so much anymore, the doctor was the worst telling me I was going to feel pain forever" and then I fell...

In the ground was a plastic round shaped thing, the kind of thing people uses to wrap magazines to deliver to shops, you know?. And I didn't see it, my feet got trapped and I fell.

It would be completely fine to fall if I didn't already had a knee problem. I crushed my knee cartilage and it was really hard for me to walk. I had to take pills to reconstruct my knee cartilage for two months, it was awful. But that is a story for another day.

I didn't go to the university for days, and of course I didn't go to the other school either.

When summer arrived, and I only had four months to do driving exams, I decided it was time to go (but it took me about 2 weeks to actually go). I went everyday for two/three weeks and then I made the first exam, answered all question correctly.

I ended loving the classes, I knew everything and I loved knowing. My teacher was amazing and it was hard leaving the classes (for about 2 weeks, then I went back to normal ahah)

The driving lessons were also good. Never thought I would love to drive a car, but it was amazing.

I made my driving exam a few days before the end of the deadline. It was extremely bad ass of me and my teacher but we've made it. The exam went really well and everything worked out for the best.

Now I have a car, and it's perfect! It's my little "Gordo" (it's the portuguese word for "fat") as I like to call it.

As you can see I'm really stubborn. And sometimes I have to force myself to do things I don't want to do, so I can end up loving them.

If you are like me try to give this opportunities a chance. There's nothing wrong in trying.


  1. ahhhh nozes a quem não tem dentes, Maria!!! eu nunca vou poder conduzir, a não ser eventualmente quando os carros auto guiados começarem a circular...=(


  2. Eu sempre achei que só ia tirar a carta muiiiiito mais tarde, depois de já ter o curso feito e afins mas no ano em que acabei o 12.º e depois não entrei na universidade percebi que o carro me dava jeito e, por isso, precisava de tirar a carta. As aulas de código foram chatinhas, tinha aulas de 2h ao final da tarde, durante o inverno, e era complicado ter vontade de ir :p Mas depois comecei a conduzir e adoro. E mesmo que na cidade académica não use carro tenho sempre aquela segurança de que, se for preciso, sei conduzir um carro.

  3. Eu ainda estou na fase de achar que não preciso de carta, devo tirar para o ano :p **

  4. Eu também já ando para tirar a carta desde os 18 anos,
    mas fui tendo outras prioridades e já se passaram 5 anos eheh
    Quando acabar a faculdade vou tirar a carta :)
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  5. Eu tirei logo aos 18, fiquei com tudo arrumado! Mas até aos meus quase 21 anos, nunca tinha conduzido fora das aulas. Depois custou imenso voltar a habituar à condução, sentia que já não sabia nada. Foi horrível!
    Ainda bem que já me passou essa fase :p

    The Insomniac Owl Blog | Instagram | Facebook

  6. Comigo foi parecido. Fiz o exame de condução 4 dias antes de expirar a minha licença e, felizmente, passei à primeira!
    Messy Hair, Don't Care | Blog

  7. Aww, hope your knee gets better!
    I'm in the middle of learning how to drive
    The thing with me is that I keep stopping and then I forget everything
    I have booked a test so hopefully I'll pass!

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  9. Parabéns por já teres a carta, eu ainda nem tive a coragem de me inscrever numa escola. O meu medo em relação as aulas de condução tem sido maior que a vontade de parar de andar de autocarro. ;)

  10. Eu tirei a carta sem medos, mas como não tinha carro e odiei conduzir o do meu pai, acabei por parar e ganhar medo. Agora estou decidida a tentar de novo, mas como parei três anos vai ser horrível!


  11. Eu ainda não tirei, 1º porque não me faz falta por agora e depois porque não ia ter dinheiro para comprar um carro e tirar carta para só pegar num carro anos depois... Mais vale esperar :)

  12. Eu estou a tirar a minha, vou marcar esta semana o exame de código, tou cheia de medo porcausa da aleatoriedade de questões. Tens conselhos qe me possas dar?

  13. Percebo-te tanto... xD Acreditas que eu fiz o exame de condução exatamente no último dia dos 2 anos? E sim, passei à 1ª mas não queria tirar a carta por nada. Odiava as aulas, odiava andar de carro, odiava os professores, e no fim sentia-me tão mal preparada que precisei de 50 aulas até dizer "eu vou fazê-lo". Mas pronto, fizemos e isso é que importa. ^^
    Alexandra :)

    The Sweetest Life

  14. Fui igual! Quase deixava acabar o prazo dos 2 anos, de tão chato que achava aquilo. Mas depois de me aperceber que tinha mesmo que ser, até gostei :)
