The best of 2014

Hello Darlings!

2014 was a weird year for me. I lost people and found important ones, lost them, and now I'm on the verge of having/losing them all over again.

I love and hate this year. Hate because I lost so much, but love because I found myself in all of this.

I lost the ability to feel during this year, I almost felt like a robot, and I kinda do sometimes. But not always, not when I'm near the person that changed it all up, and turned everything upside down.

That person, without knowing, showed me so many things that I thought weren't possible. Made me believe, well at least for a brief moment. And I'm eternally grateful for that.

I've grown so much this year. I thought I was something but, happily, I found out I wasn't. The person I thought I was, the stupid-me, was just me feeling trapped and trying to gasp for air. I'm not saying that I'm happier, I'm just saying that right now I know I could be.

Hope I didn't bother anyone with my introspection, but I really needed it! And I hope you also found yourself this year, if you hadn't already.

I loved all the blog posts I've made in 2014. Since the end of December I promised you that I was going to update my blog daily, and I haven't missed a day. Hope you keep checking my blog everyday.

Stay strong. Love you!
Have a perfect 2015!


  1. Por vezes perdemos pessoas de quem gostamos, mas também é um sinal de amor deixá-las ir...
    Desejo-te um feliz 2015! ♥

  2. Que introspeção maravilhosa! No teu lugar, eu já me sentiria orgulhosa de a conseguir fazer! :)
    Beijinho grande e bom ano!!

  3. happy new year! :) desejo-te tudo de bom princesa :)

  4. Que tenhas um ótimo 2015! :)


  5. Feliz ano novo e que tenhas ainda mais sucesso com o blog em 2015 :)

  6. Espero que em 2015 o ano de traga todos os sorrisos que 2014 te roubou.
    Beijinhos e muuuuuito amor <3
